
Step Into The Spotlight!

Step Into The Spotlight!

Does your boss or clients know you still exist as a person, or do they only recognize you as a name that pops up in their email inbox? Do you attend the office parties, or accept invites from clients? Do you join in when the boss buys lunch for your team or department? If your answer is yes to the first question, and no to the next two, and your desire is to progress, you may have to pause and review your plans.

Stop for a moment and think about the people whom you see moving forward around you. They are probably as hard working as you, but they are also outgoing, vocal, engaging, and they are everywhere. Makes you wonder when they get time to work!

It is true, you may be great at what you do, your clients love your work, and your boss sings your praises when you deliver, but do they really know you? It is very easy to get swallowed up in the monotony of everyday corporate or business life.

How do you shift the spotlight to shine on you?

  • Lift your head up from your work and connect with the people around you.
  • Walk into your boss’s office at least once a week – not because you have been summoned; walk in to discuss an idea, or get guidance on something you are working on.
  • Call or visit your clients just to ‘check in on them’.
  • Introverted? Work on getting out of your shell and let people see who you really are.
  • Take a look in the mirror and in your wardrobe. Is your attire working for you or is it pulling you back?
  • Once in a while step out for lunch with your colleagues and interact with them outside of the office.
  • Do you have an opinion, express it!
  • Are you sitting on a solution to a problem in the workplace, share it.
  • Can you see trouble on the horizon that no one else seems concerned about, deal with it.

Reflect on what your future goals are with regard to your work and workplace. People on the sidelines and those in the shadows do not progress much. Those who are in the arena, those who take initiative, those who show up, those who speak up … they are the ones who move forward.

Are you that person? If you want to move forward, you had better become that person!


No one can discover you until you do. Exploit your talents, skills and strengths and make the world sit up and take notice.
—Rob Liano


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