
Mercy Kimani

Mercy Kimani

Sales Performance Coach & Trainer

Early Childhood Counseling – Kenya Methodist University, Early Childhood Education – Deaf Studies University of Nairobi, Certified Sign Language Interpreter, Network Marketing Speaker and Lead Trainer, Sales Advantage Trainer, Certified Trainer of Trainers – Leadership Training Institute (LTI), HIV/AIDS Deaf training facilitator, trauma Counselor, Dale Carnegie Trainer and Performance Coach, CONSULTANT – TRAINER

Mercy’s Career started at the University of Nairobi, where for six years was involved in Sign Language Interpretation and advocacy for the students with disabilities for mainstreaming and awareness. She also was involved under the Dean of Student’s office to overlook the transition and training of the Student leaders.

She has had enormous experience as a Sign Language interpreter for UNDP and governmental organizations and in implementation of the Disability Act in various Community-based organizations and corporate organizations. Mercy has also been involved with research and surveys of the marginalized in the community with a special bias of the persons with disability, with AFUB (African Union for the Blind). Her passion in the involvement of persons with disabilities has led her to train various organizations in disability and gender mainstreaming like the New K.C.C. and Induction training of the National Council for Persons with Disability County officers.

Mercy is a Motivational Speaker, Keynote Speaker, Corporate Speaker, Life Coach and Seminar Facilitator. She is a Performance Coach with The Dale Carnegie Training Franchise in Nairobi, Kenya. She engages her audience members with credibility, enthusiasm, energy and messages that make a difference in their lives. As a Keynote Speaker, Mercy addresses critical business subjects in a clear and concise manner that is easy for her audiences to not only understand, but also to immediately apply what they have learned to their personal lives, family life as well as their work.

She challenges her audiences to look at life through a much broader viewpoint than most people and to embrace the opportunities before them. Whether addressing a room full of senior executives or first line staff, she enables her audiences to gain a strategic understanding and increased tactical capability to successfully respond to their ever changing environment.

Mercy truly enjoys helping people and that is what drew her into professional speaking and consulting. Each keynote speech is an opportunity to impact people positively and to change their perceptions, especially those which limit their personal and professional growth.

Mercy seeks to maximize the outcome and return on investment (ROI) for her client. She combines her business acumen and her spirit for adventure to show her audiences how to thrive in their Individual, Family and Organizations through courage, leadership, vision, team work, risk taking and personal accountability