

“If someone offered you keys to the kingdom of your wildest dreams, would you accept them? It might not seem so easy, given our immersion in a society that keeps telling us that we’re limited, aging “creatures,” who live life between luck and fate, in a hard, unforgiving world. …Your dreams are not yours by accident. You have them for a reason, many reasons, not the least of which is to make them come true. Your dreams are what’s meant to be. You just have to do your part, and with understanding, you’ll find that NOTHING COULD POSSIBLY BE EASIER.”– Mike Dooley, Bestselling Author of Infinite Possibilities

We invite you to participate in an intriguing, interactive and informative programme TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE  hosted by Talent first Limited.It is designed to assist you develop a level of personal “mastery” over your life that will give you an unshakable, deep confidence and trust that you have everything it takes to make “your dreams” come true.

After the programme, you will be required to answer the following questions:

  1. What do you want the rest of your life to be about?
  2. If you could have anything in the world, what would it be?
  3. What accomplishment has made you most proud?
  4. Are you your worst enemy?
  5. How do you tend to sabotage yourself?
  6. Each accomplishment will contribute to and grow your reputation. What do you want to be known for?
  7. What is that Brand attribute that sells for you any day, and how do you make it work for you in the areas that matter most t you?
  8. Who are your Brand Referrals?
  9. If you could do any job for a day, what would it be? So let’s create a real plan to make that happen!

Unless you answer all of some of the questions above, it is not easy to rediscover your potential and infinite self, and learn how to harness your brilliance and dig out those weeds that have been stopping you making real progress.

But you have a choice…do the usual … do nothing…

The programme is composed of four separate but interrelated modules that are interactive, where facilitators ensure you develop a fresh perspective and action towards the 4 key areas of the programme :

  • Follow Your Dreams
  • Vision and Goal : Define the ULTIMATE goal
  • Brand YOU
  • Create the job you love

One on One Coaching

And to give you the steer to get going, we will offer a one on one coaching session at the end of the one month programme.This personalized session will provide an effective structure to support you moving forward in significant areas of your life, including career, personal growth, and relationships.

The Date& Registration:

The programme will run over a period of one month starting from Saturday 11th October 2014, with each module being covered every Saturday from 8:30a.m- 12.30pm.

Registration is Kes 27,000/=. Payment in 3 installments of Kes 9,000 /= each is allowed.

For registration, please email your registration request  to or call the Programme Coordinator Yvonne Ayot on: +254-723942364 for more details.

“Accept responsibility for your life. Know that it is you who will get you where you want to go, no one else.” – Les Brown


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