
“Trying to manage the millennials? Give up and Lead them instead!! ” George Bradt

“All of a sudden, companies are finding that it’s really challenging to keep their people, and it’s challenging to find replacements. The talent war is escalating.”Jason Wingard.

Have you ever wondered how to deal with millennials? Have you noted some will stay in a company for a very short time and then leave? Times and seasons are changing and I am convinced it’s for better. All the millennials have some common characteristics. They are Risk takers, have an Experimental Life style and above all, they push the envelope. They have an open mind, they care about many things and above all, they have several concerns which can make the world a better place. Millennials is not a generation that is willing to put up with just working for a pay packet. “The younger generation has been raised with an aversion to the exclusive stick and carrot—punishment and reward—kind of motivation.” Mick Ukleja.

The big question is, How do we work with the millennials?

     Give them job clarity and aligned priorities.

It’s important for employers to explain what they are offering a potential employee, but also what they expect in return.

They want opportunities to learn and grow

As they daily use their knowledge and skills in the organization, they want opportunities that can challenge them and out of that they can learn something new. They embrace frequent trainings since they want to remain relevant in the market.

Desire of a regular feedback

With millennials, annual feedback will not work for them. They want often feedback on their progress, what they are not doing, what they can improve and what can make them better people. This is triggered by their desire to grow and exploit their fullest potential. Provide your team with the feedback they need on an individual level since not all of your team will want the same kind of response.

Offer flexibility

Set the millennials free. They will work best with clear directions and concrete targets. Let them know what you want be done, how it should be done and by when should it be done and leave them to do. While not every job and position can accommodate this level of flexibility, find ways to give them that work and life balance they would need.

They are motivated differently

Millennials are motivated by the prospect of creativity, change, and social connections rather than typical motivations of high salaries and moving up the ladder. They want to feel fulfilled in their work. This provides a few challenges for managers, with one key issue being that Millennials may feel frustrated if their ideas don’t seem to go any where, or take too long to be acted on. Know well what motivates your millennials.

Now you know! Millenials are energetic and vibrant. Take advantage of that. Let them be BUT Be in charge.


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